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Enjoy the Break!

‘Twas a week before Christmas, and through the School of Education, not a student was around not even faculty. Classes are finished, final assignments and projects are completed and we are all a semester closer to graduation. This particular semester has been challenging. I took on varying roles such as student, intern, counselor, consultant, and assistant. These roles are helping to shape me for life after graduation. Being a student, intern, and a counselor overlapped in one of my final assignments which is essential to my life after graduation. The assignment was creating a portfolio which included listing goals I have for myself and how have I accomplished them so far. I took a look at my progress, my successes, my strengths, and my weaknesses since I began the program last year. I can honestly say I have come a long way. However, there is always room for growth! The mass exodus to return home for the holidays has begun. During this break, take time to relax, rejuvenate, and prepare for next semester. Spend time with your family and friends; make memories together! Ring in the New Year with a renewed sense of purpose and determination! I will at least make a cliché resolution and you can join me if you would like. I pledge to be better than I was before. To treat everyone with love, care, and respect; including myself. To forgive myself and others. And to never give up! May the upcoming New Year be more than you expect it to be!